Well let's hope more and more join up here, itd be good to know we're not alone at events like these.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
A JW encounter in Hong Kong
by Listener inlast week i was in hong kong on a holiday and ran into some jws.
i was in a large shopping mall and noticed a number of jws holding out a pamphlet to passerbys.
before i knew it there was one walking towards me and stopped right in front of me stopping me from moving forward.. the jw was virtually shoving the pamphlet towards me and said i would like to offer you this pamphlet that directs you to a web site that will answer all your questions that you have about life.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Good work! Interesting about the birthdays / marrying only on the Lord contrast.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I was thinking about you konceptual, slidin fast, jm88, and all the others posting on here, it saddened me that there might not even have been one free thinker in each stadium.
Smiling at a Disfellowshipped JW instead of Completely Ignoring him
by ProfCNJ ini was driving our car going to our assigned territory for our sunday field minsitry (was with jw 2 sisters) when i saw a disfellowshipped jw riding his motorcycle heading towards us.
the guy was df'd around 2 months ago only (won't delve much on his case).
approximately about 10 meters, we saw him smile.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I made it a point to smile and nod at df'd people at our Hall, it just seemed the human thing to do even when I was a full on believer. I know it's only a tiny thing but I'm glad now that I did.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow, I thought that was a joke about the Mexican wave, but no, I've just seen it on a friends instagram video fo'sho'!
Still waiting for my prayers to be answered or understanding to be RE-Adjusted!
by NoMoreHustle inso about 2 years ago when i started to feel like something was wrong with the religion (jw cult) i was in, i was told by close friend to just study more & pray incessantly to jehovah!.
well after careful consideration of the steps to re-build my faith in jw cult, i would have to say that after more rigorous study & prayer than ever before in the history of mankind, nothing answered, no new enlightment!.
except for me figuring out that it is a scam!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Ha, that's the stage I'm at! I'm kinda itching for my wife to ask me what's been the result of all my extra studying and prayer but she doesn't seem to want to bring it up... Probably scared of the answer.
Question du jour - How Many of God's Servants in the Bible Had No Beard?
by berrygerry inquestion du jour - how many of god's servants in the bible had no beard?.
legit question..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hahaa, good work one eyed Joe, keep pushing the boundaries little by little, mines getting noticeably bushy now!
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Well. The parade of glorious international missionaries went on a while didn't it? Clapping all the time, at ours there was even someone attempting a whoop or two. (maybe a stray American wandered in). :-P
Of course we ARE all brothers, there's no favouritism or hierarchy IS there?
It reminded me of logan's run, I thought they were going to be raptured right there and then!
Blood in whose army!?
by sunny23 inused this method to logically convince my friend who is also dfd of one of many reasons as to why i shall never return and he agreed.
let me know if anything is false or misleading and we can revise :).
blood transfusions:.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
BUT. He did pick fault with those who over interpreted the law and embellished it. And he did show the value of life. And he did not mind going against the man made sections of the law, as evidenced by healing the man on the sabbath.
Persecution in Russia. Poland next.
by FadeToBlack inthe wife got back from the meeting last night and told me they watched some video from jw.org about persection in russia.
lots of discussion at the hall about poland being next after ukraine.
she told me she was not going to sign anything renouncing her faith even if she had to go to prison.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
A sister at our assembly today said those exact words, that persecution proved to her that it was the right religion. I was thinking "does that mean then, that whatever brand of Christianity is being beheaded by ISIS is the right religion too? "